Friday, December 18, 2009

One Small Victory

December 12th 2009

A charity organization with an honorable campagin, Stop the Silence : Stop Sexual Child Abuse Inc. (Stop the Silence), was presented with a number of e-mails from Michael Jackson supporters regarding the disapproval of their use of Michael Jackson's name to bring about awareness to children that are sexually molested. Stop the Silence was not trying to malign Michael's name nor imply guilt, but was using the visability of his case to bring attention to the need to prevent and treat CSA. The organization understood our concerns and quicky responded to the e-mails

of disapproval and coordinated with the Official MJ Tribute Book website to rectify the situation. Stop the Silence issued the following statement:

"Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is an epidemic in the US and around the world creating havoc for the children, adult survivors and society. It can be prevented ad treated but a concerted effort is but essential and missing. Stop the Silence is sorry for any unentended implications that may have arisen in the pairing of this issue Michael Jackson's name. We recognize that Michael Jackson was proven innocent. Our intention was to highlight the enorminty of the problem, and visability of the case (not assumed guilt) was our motivator. We meant no harm to Michael's name or his family. We must all be vgilant on this issue and protect all the children everywhere. Your understanding and help in this endeavor is appreciated."


Pamela Pine PhD, MPH

Founder and CEO

Stop the Silence

We now need to return our gaditude to them for understanding and taking quick action to resolve this matter.

You can send any letter to me in terms of thanks for their quick action in this matter and I will forward it to them.

Show the true legacy and message of Michael Jackson...

LOVE and Healing

Shawn and Adora Henning

Our Voice Will Be Heard

* Many of us sent a respectful email expressing our hurt, pain and diasappointment

that Mihcael's name was being used in a disrespectful manner. Once this was resolved we sent many emails of appreciation and thanks.

ThankYou to all who participated in making this small but note worthy change, in Michael's behalf.